Wyoming Valley Nurses Association
Wilkes-Barre General hospital
Together, we enforce our contract and fight for safe staffing. Click the “Inadequate Staffing Form” button to submit documentation of short staffing on your floor:
Click the button below to view our current union contract:
You have a right to union representation at any investigatory meeting that may lead to discipline. Click below to learn more about Weingarten Rights:
Mandated to stay beyond your scheduled shift for a non-emergent reason? Fill out the Mandatory Overtime Complaint Form:
Local Union Officers
President - Lori Schmidt (Cardiac Rehab) 570-868-6044
Vice President - Joyce Sciandra (CVICU) 570-237-7293
Treasurer - Judy Martin (Cath Lab) 570-406-0426
Membership Chair - Cathy Meyers (Cardiac Rehab) 570-498-5843
Secretary - Caroline Kuchinskas (Cath Lab) 570-881-3731
Community & Political Liaison - Michele Bonk (OB) 570-574-8901
Your Staff Rep: Alex Lotorto | alotorto@pasnap.com | 570-362-0394