We're proud that our union is run by dedicated nurses and healthcare workers elected by their peers. These leaders from across the state define our vision, set our priorities, and work to advance the best interests of all healthcare workers and patients. 



Maureen May, RN - President  Temple University Hospital

Maureen May, RN - President
Temple University Hospital

Angela Neopolitano, RN - Vice President
Crozer-Chester Medical Center

Tammy May, RN Butler Memorial Hospital

Tammy May, RN - Treasurer
Butler Memorial Hospital

Shannan Giambrone, RN - Secretary Suburban Community Hospital

Shannan Giambrone, RN - Secretary
Suburban Community Hospital


Board members at large

Debbi Bozeman, RN
St. Mary Medical Center

Kali Gargone, RN
Geisinger Community Medical Center - Scranton

Phyllis Brown, RN Temple University Hospital

Phyllis Brown, RN
Temple University Hospital

Bernadette Golarz, DNP, CRNA
Fox Chase Cancer Center & Jeanes Hospital

Shirley Crowell, RN Lower Bucks Hospital

Shirley Crowell, RN
Lower Bucks Hospital

Ken Harner, RN
Eagleville Hospital

Carla Le’coin, RN Albert Einstein Medical Center

Carla Le’coin, RN
Albert Einstein Medical Center

Peggy Malone, RN
Crozer-Chester Medical Center

Sabrina Nixon
Temple University Hospital