Pottstown Hospital Nurses United
“What I like about PASNAP is that it is not a separate entity making decisions for the nurses. I have gone to many of the negotiations and everything is agreed upon and negotiated by the nurses. It is not a bunch of employees making those decisions. We, the nurses, ARE the union.”
Winning Our First Contract
Nurses at Pottstown Hospital successfully formed a union in September 2016 and are currently negotiating their first collective bargaining agreement with their new employer, Tower Health. Through their union, nurses have advocated and won improved staffing on many units and succeeded in stopping the new employer from imposing significant cuts to their healthcare and benefits. Nurses have partnered with community allies to advocate for the reopening of vital services such as the Pediatric unit and with parents, teachers, students and tax payers to fight for Tower to pay its fair share to the school district.
Local Officers
Lori Domin - President
Crystal Somerset-Bruce - Vice President
Robin Niarhos - Grievance Chair
Kathy Bogus - Labor Management Chair
Lesa Diltz - Officer At Large
Sue Lobello - Officer At Large
Donna Freed - Secretary
Your Staff Rep: Nafis Hasan | nafis@pasnap.com | 267-939-2822