PASNAP is committed to fighting to improve patient care and caregiver protections within our hospitals. Working within the political system is one of the ways we attempt to effectuate the changes needed to achieve these goals.

the pasnap endorsement process

The PASNAP Political Action Committee (PAC), composed of seven bedside healthcare professionals from across the state, works with regional teams of PASNAP members who interview candidates from their district seeking PASNAP’s endorsement. The regional team’s recommendation is then reviewed by the PAC Committee for the ultimate decision regarding endorsement. In statewide races, PASNAP’s Executive Board determines the process and the endorsement. 

Endorsements are based on questionnaires, regional candidate interviews by members, and the candidate’s history of and commitment to supporting the following: 

  • efforts of workers to organize a union and bargain in their workplace

  • organized labor 

  • safe staffing standards 

  • preventing violence in the workplace 

  • access to affordable healthcare

Where do PASNAP Political Donations Come From?

All PASNAP political donations come out of voluntary donations made to the PASNAP PAC fund specifically for that purpose and are screened and vetted by the bedside health professionals on the PASNAP PAC Committee and Executive Board. No PASNAP political donations come out of union dues. If you would like to begin contributing to the PASNAP PAC fund and help PASNAP build its political program, click on the button below.